Top Ten Series I’ve Not Yet Completed

For this week’s TTT, The Broke and the Bookish asks about our top ten series we haven’t finished reading (yet or indefinitely). I’m not one of those people who feels compelled to complete an entire series (whether I like it or not). I suppose Harry Potter, Dave Pelzer and The Hunger Games were an exception. So I realised that I have not completed a lot of series, and I wasn’t sure how to narrow it down to a top ten because it’s not simply about quality. Here’s my attempt:

Series from yonks ago:

Sweet Valley Twins/ High/ University by Francine Pascal- I loved the twins (I was little), but with such a massive array of titles my library didn’t own half of it, and not contiguous titles either. It also got a little monotonous at times (although some of the super thrillers were awesome). So I guess I grew out of it before I had the opportunity to read it all.

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer – I read the first book, it was gold and sparkly and reasonably enjoyable, but I think at that point of my tweendom and English language development reading the rest of the series simply did not appeal to me.

Sylvia at Oodles of Doodles has a great Artemis Fowl Collection. This is one of her drawings.

YA Titles I Just Haven’t Gotten To

Divergent by Veronica Roth- I know the series isn’t even fully written yet, but I loved Divergent so much that I urgently need to get my hands on Insurgent. I don’t think it’s available in RSA yet, so I’ll try to purchase an e-book.

Mall Rats by Lily Herne – remember the South African zombie-series I’ve raved about? Deadlands, the first in the series, was awesome. I got it at a massive discount. Now I need Death of a Saint (#2) to be discounted too!

Bumped by Megan McCafferty – in a way, Bumped annoyed me a little, but the themes are intriguing enough for me to WANT to read Thumped!

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare – I’ve learned that there is a lot of hate for this series going around, but I quite love it. I just don’t have time for the thick books in term time. I want to read The Infernal Devices as as well!

Series I’m not sure about:

The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson – I wasn’t sure that I liked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It’s really too verbose. But a part of me wants to read the others… or perhaps I’ll just watch the films.

Jessica Darling by Megan McCafferty – There were parts of Sloppy Firsts that I really liked, but parts that annoyed me. I couldn’t quite related to Jessica, I suppose. But the books have such a following that I think I should at least try Second Helpings.

Deserted Series:

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld – an amazing premise gone all wrong. The tone and writing style were the end for me. Although I won’t lie, I am interested to know what happens next.

Fallen by Lauren Kate – these books have a huge following and I really can’t understand why. The premise is old and the characters pedantic, the dialogue artificial. To each his own, but I won’t be going any further than the first book.


  1. I haven’t yet read Divergent, though have heard good things. I love the Cassandra Clare series! Have read them all, and Infernal Devices (in fact, if I would have to choose, Infernal Devices would be my favourite out of the two but Loved them both). I tried Fallen, couldn’t get much past the first few pages, didn’t realise it was quite as popular as it is. I thoroughly enjoyed The Millenium Series. It really was very very good, even if a bit long winded at times, but I found myself reading every word! Hmm, I may think about doing this on my blog:-)

    1. You should, TTTs are always awesome and introduces you to lots of new books (and bloggers)!
      Many people say that Infernal Devices are even better than TMI, so I’m really looking forward to that. I might attempt the rest of the Millennium Trilogy over the holidays, if I’m feeling brave.

  2. I really liked Divergent, and Insurgent I thought was just okay. The Millenium Trilogy I loved!

    1. Ah, I’ve heard that not everyone loved Insurgent quite as much. The second-book-curse, perhaps?

  3. readerbuzz says:

    If you weren’t wild about book one of Jessica Darling, I say skip them all. They don’t get better.

    No one in the world could read all the Sweet Valley books!

    Here’s my Top Ten Series I Haven’t Finished. I hope you will stop by!

    1. True, there were way too many SV books around! I think I’ll try the second JD book juuuust in case… but if it’s not great I won’t push to finish it. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I haven’t gotten to Insurgent yet either, I really need to!

    1. I’ve heard mixed reviews… but I don’t care. Divergent was good enough for me to read the sequel!

  5. emziixgx says:

    Very much agree with your Uglies comment, the idea behind it was a good one but the books were just not that great.

  6. Colin says:

    I liked UGLIES, but thought the series went downhill after. I cared less and less for the characters as it went on. However, EXTRAS was an improvement. Don’t give up on Scott Westerfeld, though. If you haven’t read his LEVIATHAN series, I strongly recommend it. One of the best series I’ve read since Potter.

    1. Amazing how many different opinions there are – I’m quite intrigued by the idea of EXTRAS now. I’ve never heard of the Leviathan series… I’ll give it a try! I’m not one to give up on an author just because of one bad book (probably because I such at remembering their names!) 😛

  7. I’ve not really had any desire to read Bumped; which is strange because it’s typically right up my alley…

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

    1. The religious undertones annoyed a lot of people, and the teenagey squealing and all of the pregnancy puns… but I still liked it. Don’t read anything you’re not in the mood for, though!

  8. Cecelia says:

    Too bad about the Uglies series – that was one that I didn’t love EVERYTHING about, but I found the 4th book especially good. And I’m right there with you on the Jessica Darling books – I couldn’t relate, and I am doubtful about picking up the rest. Great list – thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for popping by! I’ve heard that the Specials and Extras are particularly good. Weird, isn’t it, as it’s unusual for the first book to be the less successful one? I guess I might try the rest just for Extras.

  9. Laura says:

    You should try the second Jessica Darling. I love them. I had mixed feelings about Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as well.

    1. Hehe, getting a lot of mixed responses about Jessica Darling. I think I’ll probably read the second one and decide from there.

  10. Fallen.. Yeah, it’s on my list as well. I’ve made it through Torment, but I’m totally stuck in Passion.

    My TTT.

    1. Glad to hear I’m not alone in this, thanks!

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