Mini-Reviews: Medical Non-Fiction

I like to read medical non-fiction. Not textbooks, but the kind of book a layperson with an interest can read, and someone in a medical profession may also enjoy, and learn from. There are three important things I look for in these books: Contributes to the non-medical reader’s understanding/interest of their health and/or bodies inContinue reading “Mini-Reviews: Medical Non-Fiction”

6th Annual End of Year Bookish Survey

Once again I’m linking up with Jamie at Perpetual Page Turner for her awesome End Of Year book survey! Where book titles are hypelinked, they link to my reviews 🙂 Number Of Books You Read: 61! Number of Re-Reads: I don’t think I re-read any books this year. I’m not so big into that. GenreContinue reading “6th Annual End of Year Bookish Survey”

Running Dangerously with Tom Foreman [Book Review]

If you’re considering taking up running, this may provide the push you need to get started. If you’ve hit a plateau, this might push you back into the fast lane. And if you’re just a happy runner, this memoir will be like taking a run with a favourite running partner.