Ten Books I Don’t Want To Live In

Today with The Broke and The Bookish we discuss world we would never want to live in or characters we do not want to change places with. This was pretty easy and fun. I am quite happy with my life, thank you!


Worlds I don’t want to live in

1. Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

I have traveled to countries where the tap water was unsafe for consumption and it was horrible. Guys, water from a bottle is just not the same! And it is annoying always having to buy the water. And imagine killing for water? No thank you.

2. The Program by Suzanne Young

It worries me how much suicide there is in our age, but a world where it is not only a fully fledged pandemic, but also “cured” in this fashion is just too much.

3. The New World from The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness

I’ll be honest: I don’t really want to go to space and colonise a new planet. And I definitely don’t need a brand new planet full of the same old power-hungry people.

4. Moloka’i by Alan Brennert

An era where Leprosy cannot be cured (it’s still pretty long-term) is not an era I want to go back to, ever. The island itself seems stunning, though.

5. Thisby from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

I had nightmares about those water horses! They gave me the heebie-jeebies.

6. Unwind by Neal Shusterman

The idea of a world where I could be legally killed for my organs scares me to no end. That description of the operation in the book though guys… it was horrible.

Characters I don’t want to be

7. Darling from We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo

I understand Zimbabwe is a beautiful country, but I do not envy the things Darling experience in Zimbabwe, and the difficulty in adjusting to a new country.

8. Raami from In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner

Reading about the Cambodian cruelties was really hard for me. In a way it is not that different from many other genocides and cruelties in other countries and eras, but I would never ever want for every child to go through what she experienced.

9. “A” from Every Day by David Levithan

He certainly has an exciting life, but I would never want to be in his shoes. Literally, no semblance of normalcy or routine or comfort.

1o. Animorphs by Katherine Applegate

When I was little I thought it would be so cool to morph into another animal. But then there are the brain-invading aliens and the prospect of getting stuck in a morph and… no.


  1. Great answers for this week! I haven’t read any of those titles but they all sound like worlds & characters I wouldn’t want to be or inhabit (I also did the same thing for my answers this week) *nods*

    Wait, correction, I did read the Animorphs books when I was younger and yes, would not want to trade places with them.

    My TTT

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Animorphs used to give me nightmares. Brain-inhabiting-slug-aliens…. yuk!

  2. The slavery of the Philippines dwarf that of African-Americans. A nation of people now achieving their own identity, let no man disparage my Pinay families because there will be drama over that.

  3. crankygiraffe says:

    I haven’t read any of those books, but now im curious. I can only think of some classics: “Brave New World,” “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “1984” – just to name a few…

    1. I still haven’t read 1984! Or Brave New World actually. Embarrassing. But I wouldn’t want to live in Mockingbird’s era at all!

  4. ChrissiReads says:

    Brilliant list this week. I definitely wouldn’t want to be Sloane from The Program, or live in that world. It’s awful!

    1. Agreed! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  5. Persekore says:

    It was really interesting taking a look at your list and seeing mostly works I’ve never read – or, in several cases, heard of. A friend of mine has recommended Not A Drop, and seeing it appear again makes me think it might be worth looking at!

    And I find myself laughing, because as good a point as you make about Animorphs, the fourteen year old in my head says that it would totally all be worth it, if I could turn into a kitty.

    1. Not A Drop is definitely worth looking into. I quite liked it.
      I have to say, I would love the experience of morphing into different animals. And if I were a cute kitty that everyone wanted to cuddle and entertain? Could be awesome.

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