2012: I Have Goals

I don’t often have New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, I prefer setting goals rather than calling them resolutions, and a good friend and colleague has taught me this about goals: They must be SMART. In other words, they must be






In 2011, I really wanted to be a better student. I’m not entirely sure I succeeded – my marks are still dismal – but I am at least knowledgeable about my courses.

In 2012 I would like to focus on becoming more holistically well. One of my projects as TSR chairperson is, after all, Student Wellness. Which means that I am pretty much becoming the face of wellness. Which means I better damn well be well.

So here is what I want to do:

Be Physically Well:

This one is my poorest field, but possibly the easiest to rectify. I want to start by jogging at least once a week. It will be a massive improvement on 2011, when I never jogged. It will be nice to spend some time in the sun, even if just at lunch. And I must start cooking instead of eating uncooked instant noodles.

I made butter chicken for my family the other day and they loved it. Yesterday I made a delicious banana loaf. I am not a lost cause.

Be Emotionally Well:

This holiday has reminded how much I love reading and how beneficial it is to me. The Broke and the Bookish has also inspired me to read more this year. So I would like to think that I will read at least one book a week, but perhaps some modules will make that difficult. I would like to ensure that I read a little bit every week, at least.

I must also spend more time with my friends – even if I invite them to cook or jog with me.

Being academically well goes without saying, and fulfilling my leadership responsibilities too.

But what I have learned is that those things become much easier when you take care of your physical and emotional wellness first.


  1. Yatin says:

    Health is given prime priority at our place. Being a vegetarian family we have to be creative to make our food palatable as well as healthy. Staying emotionally fit gets very challenging when you enter the demanding work environment. It becomes hard to keep in touch with friends and family with other priorities around but if you make it a habit or hobby it will ease in with your lifestyle. You are still a student so find yourself lucky there not to have to worry about financials. Once involved in your own family it also becomes an important ritual. Wish you a Happy New Year and hope you achieve your SMART goals.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! Unfortunately financials are already meeting up with me, as I have to finance most of my studies myself. But it is not as bad as having to worry about an entire family’s financial matters 🙂

  2. hey that looks like the same banana bread i make!!
    is it by any chance the recipe from the Afrikaans “kook en geniet”?
    looks so yummy though…

    1. I believe it is, how cool is that 😀 It’s delicious, I’m going to make it at university all the time now. Yay for me 😉

  3. MedicalRose says:

    You’re the fourth person (including myself) I ‘know’ who makes goals instead of resolutions. Good luck with all that, very ambitious!

    1. Thanks, it is rather ambitious hey? But here’s hoping for good results.

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