Lunch Posts: Lunch at Rural Hospital

The food trolley with the squeaky wheel arrives in the Outpatients’ Department. It is laden with with warm cling-wrapped food. Rice, pumpkin, beans, and on a good day, some meat.

Surreptitiously a lull descends over OPD. You know you are really hungry when hospital food looks appetising.

Doctors conclude their current consultations and walk to their homes, scattered around the hospital grounds.

Taxi drivers at the rank – right next to the hospital – lean back in their seats, drawing peak caps over their eyes. Goats continue their conquest of the hospital grass. Geese hiss at passersby. Babies suckle noisily while their mothers stretch out on a patch of grass outside the hospital. Women with makeshift stalls sell snacks and cheap cooldrinks.

The woman who lives in the caravan across from the hospital starts up her gas fire. The child on her back waves at me, as he always does.

It is an infernally hot day. In the quiet, the community readies itself for the second half.

Linking up with The Daily Post’s weekly writing challenge.


  1. MS2 says:

    It must be such a humbling experience. I start with early clinical rotations soon, I have internal first, super excited! Any tips?

    1. Funny that you’d ask – I actually have a post with a bunch of tips for you guys, scheduled for this coming Monday 27th! I thought of bringing the date forward but can’t do it on mobile.

      But until then, something I didn’t include: BE EXCITED. Don’t let overworked seniors drain your excitement. You only get to be new at this once and it’s actually quite a thrilling memory.

  2. charoo iyer says:

    So well written! Got a Ruskin Bond feel to it ! 🙂

    1. Thanks! I’ll have to read some Ruskin Bond now!

  3. Rahul Ranjan says:

    Hospital meals are like once you eat them you wont feel hungry anytime before leaving the hospital. May be its for inspiring the patients to get well soon 😉

    1. Hah! I’ve had some good hospital meals at other hospitals. But generally they are pretty horrible. Good point 😛

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